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1961 - Pye Stereophonics Black Box Restoration
  • 1961 - Pye Stereophonics Black Box Restoration

    Amazing styling piece , Gerrard turntable with valve amplifier. Tested all the 50 + electrical resistors and capacitors and 66% of them require replacement . Not expensive items but time consuming process. See image of 6 valve amplifier and 51 resistors . Latest image is 10 new resistors soldered onto replace the old - see the image showing how much smaller the resistor are now compared to 60 years ago. Amplifier fitted back into cabinet and the turntable and speakers soldered back on, testing is looking good but one channel of the stereo isn’t working which needs to be traced . Problem resolved after some careful tracking by my guru pal and now as you can hear it’s sounding as it did 62 years ago. The Garrard turntable has been de greased and re lubricated and a number of alterations so the speed is correct and the auto stacker funtions , also the motor now can hardly be heard. A new ST14 Stylus LP/LP flip over installed and you are more than welcome to bring you vinyl into the shop to hear what it sounds like on an amazing valve amplifier. Added a original stylus which has 4 pins and the balance now has improved, also had the idler wheel rubber replaced with new so can now stack singles , 5 working well.


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